Vitamin B12: implication, sources. Vitamin B12 formulated in Miofolic

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Vitamin B12 implication

Vitamin B12 
is the only water-soluble vitamin that can accumulate in the body. It accumulates in the liver, kidneys, lungs and spleen.

Vitamin B12 is responsible for many vital functions in the body. It:

  • Plays an important role in the regulation of the hematopoiesis functions – red blood cells formation. DNA molecules are developing in these cells and if sufficient supply of vitamin B12 is not provided, the DNA synthesis will not be possible. This can result in the development of malignant anemia.
  • Helps keep the nervous system in a healthy condition, affecting concentration and memory, and reducing irritability. A lack of vitamin B12 can result in nerve membrane damage.
  • Is involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. It enhances synthesis and the capability to accumulate proteins. Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to a metabolic disorder.
  • Is involved in the cell division of the whole body and is responsible for improving immunity.
  • Lowers cholesterol in the blood.
  • Improves the reproductive organs function of men and women.
  • Interacts with the vitamins and microelements of other groups. A lack of vitamin B12 can result in vitamin B1 deficiency, which will cause disorders of brain cells and the digestive system.

Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) is required for folic acid regeneration in the formation of erythrocytes and membranes of nerve cells. Vitamin B12 enhances and supplements the folic acid action and therefore their combined intake is recommended.

Folic acid has a low risk of toxicity, because folate is a water-soluble vitamin and is regularly excreted in the urine. One potential problem is associated with the intake of high doses of folic acid.

An excess of folic acid masks the effects of malignant anemia – vitamin B12 deficiency. That is why the composition of drugs containing folic acid should include vitamin B12.

The composition of Miofolic complex includes the 4th generation folic acid and vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 sources

Vitamin B12 is present in veal liver, salmon, beef, lamb, scallops, shrimps, sardines and cod. It is therefore difficult for vegetarians to replenish reserves of the element in the body. B12 is found in some plants – algae (kelp or blue-green algae), brewer’s yeast, miso sauce and tofu. – but in much smaller amounts.

Vitamin complexes can make up for vitamin B12 deficiency. For example, the Miofolic complex contains 2,5 μg of vitamin B12.

Miofolic is an innovative complex for improving the female reproductive function and normalizing the hormone balance at all stages of preparing for pregnancy, as well as for its further healthy course.

What is Miofolic

Miofolic is an innovative complex for improving the reproductive function of a woman and normalizing the hormone balance at all stages of preparing for pregnancy, as well as for its further safe course.

Daily requirement for vitamin В12

The daily intake of vitamin B12 is largely dependent on a person’s height, age and sex. Doctors recommend the following daily intake of vitamin B12:

AgeDaily intake
Children under 6 months0,4 μg
Children 7-12 months0,5 μg
Children 1-3 years0,9 μg
Children 4-8 years1,2 μg
Adolescents 9-13 years1,8 μg
Children and adults over 14 years2,4 μg

People abusing alcohol, smokers and vegetarians need an additional vitamin B12 intake. For people doing sports, pregnant women and lactating women, the body’s need for vitamin B12 increases by approximately 4 times.