Unwanted hair growth (hirsutism), hair loss| Miofolic

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Miofolic for hirsutism elimination

Unwanted hair growth
Unwanted hair growth, 1

After 6 months of taking, Miofolic one third of women got rid of hirsutism, and two thirds of women noted a significant improvement.

Unwanted hair growth on the face, breast and buttocks (hirsutism), for example, affects about 70% of women with PCOS. This is caused by an excess of male hormones (androgens) and can be quickly eliminated by taking Miofolic.

Recommended intake is 2 sachets per day for a 6-month period.

Miofolic action

Miofolic is an innovative complex for improving the female reproductive function and normalizing the hormone balance at all stages of preparing for pregnancy, as well as for its further healthy course.

What is hirsutism (unwanted hair growth)?

Hirsutism is the appearance of hard and dark (terminal) body hair in women, where it usually does not grow – primarily on the face, chest and belly.  

This disease refers to diseases of the endocrine system, which make the concentration of male sex hormones in the female body rapidly increase. The level of androgens is minimal for women, but this value can change throughout life. High levels of androgens in the female body stimulate hair follicles, which leads to excess hair growth.

Women with hirsutism experience an intense rate of hair growth.  Hair is like that growing in the armpits and pubic area. 

The excessive hairline may appear in the following places:

  • above the upper lip
  • on the chest
  • on the back and belly
  • on the shoulders and hips.

This disease develops in adulthood.

Increased androgen production can develop in the following cases:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome (POS), chronic anovulation, hypothalamic amenorrhea, etc.

According to research, the POS is one of the common causes of hirsutism in 70% of women. To eliminate hirsutism, it is recommended to take 2 sachets Miofolic per day for 6 months.

  • adrenal function disorder with congenital or acquired adrenal cortex hyperplasia, adrenal tumors, etc.

In this case, hirsutism can develop due to the increased production of steroid hormones by the adrenal glands, including androgens.

Scientists also identify genetic hirsutism appearing due to the genetic and chromosomal characteristics of the genus. It reappears from generation to generation.  If your mother or sister has it, most likely you are also prone to it.

Excess weight problems

Approximately 50% of women with PCOS have a metabolic syndrome …